Hong Kong Golf Club #有獎遊戲 送你男士實用禮物包

Hong Kong Golf Club #有獎遊戲 送你男士實用禮物包 - Jetso Bear

繼早前嘅女士夏季禮品包,今次送禮活動終於輪到男士們啦! 只要回答簡單問題,就可以贏取球會精美領呔及棒球帽,適合男士戴住參加任何戶内及戶外活動,咁就可以用最佳狀態見人啦!

1. 讚好香港哥爾夫球會Facebook專頁 (@HongKongGolfClubOfficial) 或追蹤 @hkgolfclub Instagram帳號。
2. 傳送私人訊息到香港哥爾夫球會Facebook專頁或Instagram帳號回答以下問題:你會如何使用這個男士實用禮物包?
3. 活動期間答得最有心思的用戶將被選中,並獲得男士實用禮物包乙個(包括乙條領呔及乙頂棒球帽)。
4. 得獎者將會獲專人通知,禮物包亦將於稍後以郵寄形式送出。
5. 活動日期:即日至2022年9月7日(截至23時59分)。

*香港哥爾夫球會就本活動之舉行方式 、參加資格、得獎資格及安排有最終及具約束力決定權。

Following our ladies’ summer gift set promotion, it’s the men’s turn for a special summer social media giveaway! Answer a simple question to win a Club-branded tie and baseball-style golf cap. With these fashionable offerings, gentleman will be well equipped for both indoor and outdoor activities!

How to participate?
1. Like the Hong Kong Golf Club’s Facebook page (@HongKongGolfClubOfficial) or follow the Club’s Instagram account (@hkgolfclub).
2. Send a private message to the Club’s Facebook page or Instagram account and answer the following question: How would you utilize this gift set?
3. The participants who provide the most interesting and imaginative answers will receive a gift set for gentlemen (including a tie, and a baseball cap).
4. Winners will be notified directly, and the gift sets will be posted to the winners after the event has concluded.
5. Event date: From now until September 7, 2022 (until 23:59).

*The colours of the products in the gift set will be randomly assigned.
*The Hong Kong Golf Club has the final and binding right to decide the method, participation eligibility, award eligibility, and arrangements of this event.

緊貼JetsoBear Facebook,唔好錯過著數情報。

Hong Kong Golf Club – Official

Jetso Bear