HK Express #有獎遊戲 送你静岡縣「富士高砂 辛口」特別純米酒

HK Express #有獎遊戲 送你静岡縣「富士高砂 辛口」特別純米酒 - Jetso Bear

踏入9月就係秋天嘅來臨,梗係要同朋友食啲秋日限定嘅水果,同埋飲杯清酒啦!今次就同大家介紹嚟自富士高砂酒造嘅特別純米酒。呢支酒用咗水質柔軟嘅富士山伏流水,令到釀製出嚟嘅清酒口感柔和﹑順滑。而且喺2012年仲獲得「Wine Glass Oishi」金賞𠻹~呢支酒嘅酒度係+10,即係味道極為辛辣,最啱用嚟配油份高嘅食物。係咪講完都好想試下呢,而家有機會喇~我哋同 @縱橫遊 WWPKG 合作推出優惠,由即日起至10月14日,只要經網站訂購同輸入優惠碼「UOWWPKG」就可以用95折訂購日本清酒同日本威士忌,而且仲免運費𠻹!

講咗咁耐,個口都有啲乾,不如叫埋朋友一齊玩遊戲贏清酒!答案最窩心嗰一位就有機會贏到静岡縣「富士高砂 辛口」特別純米酒 720ml一支,到時就可以同埋朋友一齊飲啦~

答案:「@朋友A 同埋 @朋友B,如果我贏咗支日本清酒,我想同您哋一齊飲啊,因為__!」

例子:@朋友A 同埋 @朋友B,如果我贏咗支日本清酒,我想同您哋一齊飲啊,因為呢支酒係用咗富士山伏流水,可以飲到獨有嘅甘甜清爽口感!

遊戲截止時間:2020 年 9 月 22 日晚上 11 點 59 分

得獎者將於 2020 年 9 月 28 日於 HK Express Facebook 專頁公佈,我哋將會於得獎留言下通知得獎者。


HKExpress X 縱橫遊WWPKG 「秋日直送」

想知有咩日本清酒,即上 睇下同訂購啦!

【Sake Giveaway】
As September rolls around the corner, autumn fruits and Japanese sakes are must-haves around the home. A great addition to your collection is the Fuji Takasago Tokubetsu Junmai. Made with subsoil water trickling off Mt. Fuji, its smoothness garnered it Gold in the 2012 Wine Glass Oishi Challenge. With a +10 Sake Meter Value, this sake is considered super dry and pairs well with fatty foods. Here’s a chance to try it for yourself now! We’ve partnered with WWPKG to launch a special offer: from now until October 14, use the code “UOWWPKG” and enjoy 5% off your sake and Japanese whisky purchases with free delivery!

And drumroll please: we’ve also come up with a game for you to take home the 720ml Fuji Takasago Tokubetsu Junmai Karakuchi. May the most heartwarming answer win!

How to play:
Tag two friends in the comment section in the following format: “@FriendA and @FriendB, if I win the sake, I’ll share with you because ______!”

For instance: @FriendA and @FriendB, if I win the sake, I’ll share with you because I want you to taste the sweet freshness in the nectars made from Mt. Fuji’s subsoil waters!”

Submission deadline: 11:59pm September 22, 2020; the winner will be announced on the HK Express Facebook page on September 28, 2020

*The event is subject to relevant terms and conditions, please see details:

HK Express X WWPKG「Sake Giveaway」
Promotion code:「UOWWPKG」
Promotion date: Now – 14/10

Want to learn more about Japanese sakes? Click on and take a few home while you’re at it!

#清酒 #富士高砂辛口特別純米酒 #期待與您振翅高飛
#Sake #JourneysAwaiting #CannotWaitToFlyWithYouAgain
#StrongerTogether #RediscoverWithUOSoon #HKExpress #YourMove

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HK Express

Jetso Bear