Delicious USA 3日美國食材大挑戰 送你HK$500 百貨超市現金券

Delicious USA 3日美國食材大挑戰 送你HK$500 百貨超市現金券 - Jetso Bear

参加 3日美國食材大挑戰,贏取 HK$500 禮券!

為鼓勵更多香港人運用美國食材,Delicious USA 舉辦咗 “3 日美國食材大挑戰”,以展示美國食品嘅高品質同埋多樣化,仲會送出 4 張 $500 百貨超市禮券俾勝出嘅朋友!

參加方法好簡單,只需要 1 以美國食材炮製3 道菜餚,2 喺你嘅Instagram / Facebook 上發佈呢3 道菜餚嘅相片,3 內容註明所用嘅美國食材,簡述食譜同埋你點解鍾意呢啲美國食材 ,4 再喺內容同埋相片中標籤 (tag) Delicious USA (IG:delicioususa_hk FB:@DeliciousUSAHongKongOfficial),即有機會赢取 $500 百貨超市禮券,仲唔快啲參加!

截止日期:2021年 10 月 26 號 晚上 11 時 59 分
活動獎品:HKD500 百貨超市現金券乙張
結果公佈:2021年10 ⽉ 31 ⽇將於 Delicious USA Instagram 及 Facebook專頁公佈四位得獎者

Delicious USA 團隊將以美國食材嘅充份運用和發揮、相片中菜餚嘅吸引力、創意等因素選出四位煮得一手好餸嘅朋友,每位送出 $500 百貨超市現金禮券乙張。

*如有任何爭議,Delicious USA 保留最終決定權。
條款及細則請參閱: ( )

Join the U.S. Food Challenge to win a $500 coupon!

Delicious USA is calling Hong Kong home chefs to participate in a “3-Day USA Food Challenge” to showcase the diversity and high-quality of U.S. food ingredients available in Hong Kong and is giving out 4 x $500 supermarket coupons to the winners!

To participate, 1 use U.S. ingredients to cook 3 dishes, 2 share pictures of these dishes on your Instagram/ Facebook account, 3 in the caption, list out the U.S. ingredients and briefly describe the recipes and what you like about the U.S. ingredients you used, and 4 tag Delicious USA in the caption and photos (IG: delicioususa_hk FB: @DeliciousUSAHongKongOfficial). You will get a chance to win a $500 department store’s supermarket coupon!

Deadline: October 26, 2021 at 11:59 PM
Prize: HKD500 department store’s supermarket coupon
Result announcement: The four winners will be announced on the Delicious USA Facebook and Instagram page on October 31, 2021

Delicious USA team will select the 4 winners based on the best and maximum use of U.S. ingredients, the attractiveness of dishes in the pictures, creativity, etc. Results will be announced on October 31 on Delicious USA Instagram and Facebook page.

*In case of any dispute, Delicious USA reserves the right to make the final decision.
Please view terms and conditions: ( )

緊貼JetsoBear Facebook,唔好錯過著數情報。

Delicious USA Hong Kong

Jetso Bear