GEOX #有獎遊戲 送20張電影通行證

GEOX #有獎遊戲 送20張電影通行證 - Jetso Bear

錯過咗同媽媽去GEOX x Emperor Cinemas 英皇戲院 獨家放影活動 睇戲嘅機會?唔緊要,只要有孝心,機會仲可以成真!即刻參加活動,有機會贏走20張電影通行證,同媽媽溫馨溫馨~

GEOX HK 電影通行證 抽獎活動
1. Like 依個 post (FB/IG)
2. Follow GEOX HK 嘅社交平台: IG – @geoxhongkong, FB – @GEOX (HK, TW)
3. Comment 分享一套想同媽媽睇嘅電影同原因,再 tag 3 位朋友
4. 喺 story (FB/IG) 分享依個 post,tag 返我哋
5. Cap 低 story,完成!

活動日期:即日起至May 13 (12:00 noon)
名額:20個 (適於所有電影購票劃位,先到先得)

得獎結果會於 May 13 以私訊形式通知。活動受條款及細則約束。

Missed the GEOX x Emperor Cinemas exclusive event? No worries, we have you covered for Mother’s Day. Stand a chance to win from a pool of 20 free movie passes for Mother’s Day by completing the following task, here’s how:

How to enter the giveaway:
1. Like this post. (FB/IG)
2. Follow both GEOX HK FB page – @GEOX (HK, TW) & GEOX HK IG page @geoxhongkong
3. Tell us a movie you would like to watch with your mom, why, and tag 3 of your friends on the comments section.
4. Share this post to your story (on FB/IG) and tag @GEOX (HK, TW)
5. Screenshot your story as proof of your participation!

Giveaway details:
– Date: from now till 13-May (12 noon)
– Quota: 20 in total (seat of choice on any movies, first come first served)

Winners will be contacted via DM on the 13-May for redemption details. T&C applied.


緊貼JetsoBear Facebook,唔好錯過著數情報。


Jetso Bear