九龍城主題步行徑 社區地膽導賞培訓班

九龍城主題步行徑 社區地膽導賞培訓班 - Jetso Bear



查詢:3183 0928

1. 更多活動詳情,可參閱以下宣傳海報或報名表。
2. 參加者必須佩戴口罩及量度體溫,恕暫不接受無佩戴口罩或額溫超過攝氏37.4度者參加活動。
3. 職員會根據報名表格上的資料,與參加者進行Zoom視像會議訪談,視乎其經驗,及對於社區文化與歷史的興趣再作甄選。
4. 參加者必須出席全部節數的培訓課程及帶領最少一次公眾導賞團,方可獲頒發畢業證書。

Kowloon City has been experiencing a dramatic change. There is a lot worth remembering during the process. Undoubtedly, the best way to familiarise with a community would be a guided tour.

“CityGuy” Tour Guide Training 4.0 is coming back! Through workshops, site visits and technique training, participants will get to know the changes of Kowloon City and are able to design and plan for a new route for guided tours. After completing all training and practicals, they will even have a chance to be our tour guide, promoting local community cultures to the general public.

Sign up now:( bit.ly/3HvlMX9 )

“CityGuy” Tour Guide Training 4.0
Date: 8 Mar to 25 Mar 2023
Location: Kowloon City in Transformation Information Centre, Kowloon City
Target: 18 aged or above, responsible and a culture and history lover
Quota: 20
Deadline for registration: 21 Feb 2023
Collaborating partner: Kaifong Tour
Enquiry: 3183 0928

1. For more event details, please refer to the poster or application form.
2. All participants are required to wear a mask and have a body temperature check. Those who are neither wearing a mask nor body temperature exceeds 37.4 are not permitted to enter the class.
3. Each applicant is required to conduct a Zoom interview with our staff. Selections are based on applicant’s enthusiasm for community culture and history.
4. Certificates will be only presented to participants who attend all sessions of the training course and lead at least one guided tour.

緊貼JetsoBear Facebook,唔好錯過著數情報。


Jetso Bear