LUXUS #有獎遊戲 送你AINHOA 奢華魅力再生套裝

LUXUS #有獎遊戲 送你AINHOA 奢華魅力再生套裝 - Jetso Bear

【LUXUS聖誕送大禮Christmas Giveaway】
就快到聖誕節,大家諗好咗點慶祝未?LUXUS已經幫大家準備咗多款AINHOA驚喜聖誕套裝,參加我哋呢個Facebook遊戲,有機會贏到AINHOA聖誕套裝一套 (禮物總值超過HK$7,220)。

1.「讚好」LUXUS Facebook Page同呢個post
2. 「留言」回答﹕在這特別的一年,你將會如何慶祝今個聖誕節呢?(中或英,上限100字)

遊戲日期: ‪11月9日至11月30日(‪23:59分前),得獎的朋友將會有專人喺‪12月7日inbox通知你。

【大獎】AINHOA 奢華魅力再生套裝 價值HK$2,440
【二獎】AINHOA 奢華極緻亮膚套裝 價值HK$2,210
【三獎】AINHOA 魔幻魚子緊膚套裝 價值HK$1,410
【四獎】AINHOA 男士全效活肌護理套裝 價值HK$1,160

*每個FB account只可留言一次

Christmas is coming soon! Have you thought of how to celebrate Christmas yet? LUXUS brings you a series of AINHOA Christmas Sets, join our Facebook game and get a chance to win the AINHOA Christmas Set (Prize valued up to HK$7,220).

Game Rules:
1. “LIKE” LUXUS Facebook Page and this post
2. “Comment” to reply: How would you celebrate Christmas in this special year? (either Chinese or English, within 100 words)

This game is ‪until the 30 November (before ‪23:59), those who have won will receive an inbox message by the LUXUS Team ‪on 7 ‪December.
LUXUS team will choose the 4 most creative and outstanding answers as winners, for the grand prize, second prize, third prize and fourth prize.

Game Prize:
[Grand Prize] AINHOA LUXE Gold Festive Christmas Set HK$2,440 (1 Winner)
[Second Prize] AINHOA LUXE Gold Winter Christmas Set HK$2,210 (1 Winner)
[Third Prize] AINHOA LUXE starry Christmas Set HK$1,410 (1 Winner)
[Fourth Prize] AINHOA Men Fresher Christmas Set HK$1,160 (1 Winner)

*Each FB account can only comment once.
*If there is any dispute, LUXUS holds the right to make the final decision.

記得follow我哋Instagram: ( )
LUXUS Wan Chai查詢熱線: ‪2866 3328 / Whatsapp: ‪95306654
LUXUS Parkview查詢熱線: ‪25238663 / Whatsapp: ‪61374076

緊貼JetsoBear Facebook,唔好錯過著數情報。


Jetso Bear