Mothercare #有獎遊戲 送你「Not Too Big優質母嬰用品展」門票兩張及網店專屬折扣

Mothercare #有獎遊戲 送你「Not Too Big優質母嬰用品展」門票兩張及網店專屬折扣 - Jetso Bear

大家都知Mothercare 11月26-29日會參加「Not Too Big 優質母嬰用品展」
Mothercare 除左係全場最大展位之外,現場仲有好多友好合作伙伴

依家只要喺留言區度寫想喺「Not Too Big 優質母嬰用品展」買咩
就有機會得到2張「Not Too Big優質母嬰用品展」門票同埋mothercare 網店專屬折扣

1. 同時讚好Mothercare Hong Kong及Not Too Big Facebook專頁,及分享此post (必須設定為公開)
2. 於此 Post 留言 「我想係Not Too Big 優質母嬰用品展買______」
3. 在同一回覆欄上Tag 3位你的好友


1) 參加者必須為Mothercare Hong Kong和 Not Too Big Hong Kong Facebook專頁粉絲。參加者需於指定活動時間內,完成所有遊戲步驟,方符合是次活動的參加資格。
2) Mother and Child Limited及 Not Too Big HK將會送出Not Too Big Mega Baby Expo 入場門票予所有合資格參加者
3) 禮品不可兌換現金、其他商品或折扣、更換或轉讓。
4) 參加者屬自願性質參加是次活動,一切因是次活動所構成之責任與Mother and Child Limited及Not Too Big HK無關,並免除一切法律責任及賠償。
5) 是次活動範圍只限香港。
6) Mother and Child Limited及 Not Too Big HK的員工及其家屬均不能參加是次活動,以示公允。
7) 每位粉絲 / 每 1個 Facebook 帳戶只可參加一次。
8) 如登記過程因任何電腦系統故障而受影響,Mother and Child Limited及 Not Too Big HK均不負責任。
9) 活動日期由即日起至2020年11月19日23時55分止。
10) 被選中的參加者將獲電郵通知領獎詳情。
11) 得獎者須於指定限期前於指定地點領取獎品,未獲領取之獎品將一概作廢。
12) Mother and Child Limited 及Not Too Big HK保留修改、取消、終止以及更改活動截止日期權利,並無需作出解釋或通知。
13) 如有任何爭議,Mother and Child Limited 及Not Too Big HK 保留最終決定權。

我們十分重視您的私隱權。如您選擇填妥此表格,所有資料將由Mother and Child Limited, Not Too Big HK及 Trade Solutions Limited收集及保存。您所提供的姓名、電話號碼及電郵地址將會用作日後宣傳及推廣之用。在沒有得到您的同意下,我們不會公開或與他人分享您的個人資料(法律責任除外)。您有權刪除及修改所提供的資料,請電郵至。Mother and Child Limited, Not Too Big HK及 Trade Solutions Limited保留隨時可更改此私隱政策的權利。

【Mothercare give you「Not Too Big Mega Baby Expo」ticket X 2pcs and additional discount of online shop】

As you know we will join 26-29 November “Not Too Big Mega Baby Expo”!
Mothercare will operate the largest booth too!
Here’s your chance to win a pair of tickets to Baby Expo and additional discount of mothercare online shop!
Just leave one comment and you may get 2 tickets for free!

How to Apply
1. Like the Mothercare Hong Kong & Not Too Big Facebook Page, share this post. (Must set as public)
2. Type 「what you want to buy in Not Too Big Mega Baby Expo_______」in the comment area
3. Tag 3 of your Facebook friends in the same comment

Campaign ends at 19 November 2020 23:55.
While stocks last.

Terms and conditions:
1) Participants must be fans of Mothercare Hong Kong and Not Too Big Hong Kong Facebook page. Participants are required to complete all game steps during promotion period.
2) Mother and Child Limited & Not Too Big HK will free the Not Too Big Mega Baby Expo tickets to all qualify participants.
3) Gift cannot be exchanged for cash, other gifts, or discounts, and cannot be replaced nor transferred.
4) Participants are on a voluntary basis to participate in the event. All cause of liability are unrelated and will be exempt from all liability and compensation to Mother and Child Limited & Not Too Big HK.
5) This activity is for Hong Kong Region only.
6) Employees or their families of Mother and Child Limited & Not Too Big HK are not eligible to enter.
7) Each Facebook registered account is allowed to participate once only.
8) Mother and Child Limited & Not Too Big HK shall not be responsible for any system failure during the registration.
9) Apply from now on until 19 Nov, 2020 (23:55).
10) Winners will get E-mail notification.
11) Winners must redeem the prize at the designated location in the designated period stated on the redemption letter. Unclaimed prizes will be forfeited.
12) Mother and Child Limited / Not Too Big Hong Kong reserves the right to update and / or adjust the terms and conditions, and change or cancel the offers at any time without prior notice.
13) Mother and Child Limited & Not Too Big HK reserves the right to make the final decision upon any disputes.

Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. The information that you have provided in this form, including the optional family information, if you have chosen to provide it, it will be collected and controlled by Mother and Child Limited, Not Too Big HK and Trade Solutions Limited. Your name, mobile and e-mail address will be used to inform you of new product information, special offers and promotions.

We will not share your personal information without your consent unless ordered to do so by a court or other government agency. If you would like to delete or amend the information you provided, please send email to .

Mother and Child Limited, Not Too Big HK and Trade Solutions Limited reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time.

門市地址 Stores address:

Instagram: 關注我們

Mothercare Hong Kong唯一網上商店


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緊貼JetsoBear Facebook,唔好錯過著數情報。

Mothercare Hong Kong

Jetso Bear