SOGO 購買任何ZIPPO打火機 獲贈精美禮品

SOGO 購買任何ZIPPO打火機 獲贈精美禮品 - Jetso Bear

ZIPPO唔單止係一個火機,而係一個時尚品味嘅象徵!標誌性嘅長方形火機外殼設計,以煙囪嘅概念保護火焰,每次打開火機都會聽到ZIPPO經典嘅 「Click」 聲,特別有Feel。而家過嚟崇光銅鑼灣店5/F ZIPPO專櫃,除咗經典系列,仲可以搵到精選別注嘅日韓版設計。由即日起至30/11期間,凡購買任何ZIPPO打火機,即可獲贈精美禮品1份。

【Grand Opening of ZIPPO Counter in SOGO Causeway Bay Store】
ZIPPO is more than just a lighter – it is the symbol of timeless class! The iconic design of a rectangular case, its chimney designed to protect the flame, and the sound of the famous CLICK sound are just perfect! A variety of classic collectibles and the unique Japanese and Korean designs are now available at SOGO Causeway Bay Store 5/F ZIPPO counter. From now until 30/11, a complimentary gift set will be rewarded upon any purchase of ZIPPO Lighter.

#sogohongkong #sogo35 #zippohk

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SOGO Hong Kong (香港崇光百貨)

Jetso Bear